Chimère Nocturne
“A dog, your daily life, a tornado, sodium, your eyelids … heavy, burdensome as a stem, you’re in a cave, it’s hot … in a hypnagogic state … you fall asleep. After the few remaining recollections of the day have evaporated, you see fabulous monsters, horrific nymphs, your mind invents impractical creatures. I present to you here the fantasies of my imagination at the time of falling asleep, a kind of surrealist statement of a frequent aspect in my existence in the form of diurnal arcana.” Like a world seen from the eyes of a child, a world from which unexplored zones seem to be absent, it is a fragmented territory whose boundaries are imaginary but at the same time a source of anxiety and an invitation to go beyond them. “It will be possible to create as many chimera as there are possibilities for a body to be fragmented.” Appreciating corporeality raises the question of the links between the body and its representation, between the lived body and the fictitious body, and the ‘mirror stage’, according to Jacques Lacan.
Dealing with the human, fiction demands the expression of what a priori derives from its opposite and concretizes the transgression of limits that distinguish the norm from the unconventional, the pure from the impure.
Here, as in the act of creating, the inhuman is to the work what the work is to the human. Dealing with the human, fiction demands the expression of what a priori derives from its opposite and concretizes the transgression of limits that distinguish the norm from the unconventional, the pure from the impure. Fiction approaches the boundaries of the body, whether pictorial, physical or symbolic, and at the same time the experience of formlessness, be it the ultimate transgression of the principle of imitation, supposed to govern creation. Multiplying in turn the figures of dreams and transfiguring them in a psychographic way in the manner of automatic writing, it is an indefinite and infinite series, a corpus presenting its limits and limitlessness, of a work in perpetual creation.
Texte Xavier Perez / Translation by Carolyne Lee
Marathon in 45 shades of pink
Sunny sun braids and the sumo fight
Chute et philosophie de l’absurde
The gravity center rests on the yellow tissue
Leapfrog under the pie in the sky
Land Snails and forest Calcium
Tango majeur en Miroir mineur ou le lien des Dizygotes
March 20, 2022